Ruling of the Sovereign Council on the matter of blessed bread

Three-page manuscript. The residents of New France parishes had to pay their priest a tithe 1/26th of harvested products. They also had to help build or renovate the church p...
and also/sed etiam…

[1] Extraits des Registres 

      Du Conseil Supérieur de la nouvelle


      Sur ce qui a été représenté par 

[5] les marguilliers de l’Eglise de Québec, 

      que plusieurs particuliers habitans 

      de la dite ville et des environs, refusoient 

      de rendre le pain bény à leur tour, 

      quoiqu’ils y soient naturellement 

[10] obligez en qualité de paroissiens, ce 

      qui serois de dangéreuse conséquence 

      si ce mépris étois dissimulé, requérant 

      qu’il leur fus sur ce pourveû, ouÿ le 

      raport de Mre. Claude Boutroue, conseiller 

[15] Du Roy en ses conseils, intendans

  Paleographic comments
The blessed bread

This document is written in beautiful 17th-century calligraphy and its elegance highlights the official aspect of its content. While medieval documents are characterized by their compact nature and their preference for abbreviations modern documents have evolved toward greater and greater clarification which this sample ruling from the Sovereign Council demonstrates very well.

Note too that besides the text itself which is very clean since only one thing is crossed out this document shows traces of its life as an archived text: added to it are a label that summarizes the content of the ruling and an inscription doubtlessly on the upper side of the fold that the document still bears traces of that has the document’s inventory number and title.

The two signatures are remarkably legible.
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