[1] 1674 1er octobre
Bulle apostolique de l'erection
de l'église cathedrale de Quebec
Intiutulée Transumptum Bullarum
[5] Apostolicarum Erectionis civitatis
Ecclesiae cathedralis quebeccensis
I.G. Ch.
1 octobre
[10] Bullarum
Cotté en 1791
4e liasse

Paleographic comments
Apostolic Bull
The written form of this text is very clear. The careful precision however does not mean that there has been no effort to be ornamental: the text has been justified and some capital letters have been embellished. Even if this is a transcription of the bull the writing is that of books. The initial I which is 10 lines high is reminiscent of the customs common to books. The letters are small and fine but round and well-formed. The punctuation is discreet.
Contractions can be found in the text but in general there are few abbreviations. Some letters are generously developed to indicate the importance of a word such as Ludovicus Rex (for King Louis XIV).
There are some examples of similar letters or isomorphism such as the letters l and s in amplissimo.
The left-slanting d coexists with the capital D.
Descender of the letter p as well as the serifs of the letters l and f are accented with a curve.
The tops of the strokes on the letters b d h and l are curved.